Area MAP

About Tohoku region

The Tohoku region is composed of six prefectures: Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Akita, and Fukushima. About 8.7 million people live in this region.
Like Hokkaido, the Tohoku region has long winters and cold days.
Rice cultivation is very popular in the plains and river basins of the Tohoku region.
A quarter of Japan’s total rice yield is produced in this region. Apples, cherries and many other fruits are also cultivated.
The fishing industry is also thriving. Hachinohe Port in Aomori Prefecture boasts an abundant catch. Traditional crafts are also made in many areas.
Many tourists visit the Tohoku region to see the natural beech and oak forests and the beautiful coastline. The three major summer festivals (Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture, Kanto Festival in Akita Prefecture, and Tanabata Festival in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture) are very popular with tourists.

Area Information

Area Information consists of two sections, [Tourism Spot] and [Information website].

[Tourism Spot] introduces tourist spots in each area with gallery photos. As shown in the photo below, the name of the spot is listed in each photo. This name part is a link to the website of each spot. Click to go to the website of the tourist spot in the photo posted on the [Information website].


【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Hirosaki Castle ปราสาท

★Hirosaki Castle ปราสาท

Hirosaki Castle is a castle built in the central west of the Tsugaru Plain. The existing castle tower of Hirosaki Castle is a complex type with a three-layer structure. The roof of the castle tower is made of copper tiled roof that will not break even in heavy snowfall. It is a characteristic of Tohoku castle with a lot of snow.

■Website เว็บไซต์

Towada Oirase Tourism Organization องค์กรการท่องเที่ยวโทวาดะ โอคุอิราเสะ

★Oirase Stream แม่น้ำ

Lake Towada is a lake that straddles Towada City, Aomori Prefecture and Kosaka Town, Kazuno District, Akita Prefecture. As a lake in Japan, the maximum water depth is 326.8m, which is the third largest and the twelfth in area. On the east bank, there is the Oirase River, where the water of Lake Towada flows out, and the Oirase Gorge extends to the northeast for about 14 km. Hakkoda Mountain is located about 20km north.

★Lake Towada ทะเลสาป

Lake Towada is a caldera lake formed by volcanic activity that started about 200,000 years ago. A caldera lake is a lake created by the accumulation of rainwater over many years in the depression created by the eruption. The water depth is 327m at the deepest point, which is the third deepest in Japan.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※一般社団法人十和田奥入瀬観光機構「Travel Towada」ウェブサイト

Aomori Prefecture Tourist Information Site  เว็บไซต์ข้อมูลการท่องเที่ยว

★Hakkoda frozen tree ต้นไม้แช่แข็ง

There are many feelings of Abies mariesii on Mt. Hakkoda. Ice and snow collide with the tree, and it gradually grows large and becomes rime. The best time to see the rime on trees is from January to February.

★Aomori Nebuta Festival งานเทศกาล

Every year, the Nebuta Festival is held on the main street in Aomori City for 6 days from August 2nd to 7th. The floats carrying large papier-mache dolls called “Nebuta” are famous.

★Osorezan Sacred Ground ดินแดนศักดิ์สิทธิ์

Osorezan is an active volcano located in the central part of the Shimokita Peninsula in Aomori Prefecture. There is Osorezan Bodaiji Temple, one of the Three Holy Mountains in Japan. Osorezan is designated as Shimokita Peninsula National Monument.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】


Hachinohe Tourism information

※This site contains various sightseeing spots in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. Please try to access it.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※VISITはちのへ観光サイト หน้าภาษาอังกฤษ


【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Towada Lake/Kakunodate Tourism Association

★Lake Tazawa ทะเลสาป

Kakunodate’s samurai residence is an intermediate samurai residence built in the Edo period samurai residence architecture, and features a traditional garden. The style of the Shoin-zukuri style of this region is preserved in the front room. There used to be a dojo (samurai battle practice area) on the right side of the gate.

★Kakunodate Samurai Residence

Kakunodate’s samurai residence is an intermediate samurai residence built in the Edo period samurai residence architecture, and features a traditional garden. The style of the Shoin-zukuri style of this region is preserved in the front room. There used to be a dojo (samurai battle practice area) on the right side of the gate.

■Website เว็บไซต์

Akita Informattion [Akitachi+]

★Sensyu Park สวนสาธารณะ

Senshu Park was built on the site of Kubota Castle, the residence of Mr. Satake of the Akita Domain, which lasted for 267 years from 1602 to 1869. It was constructed as a park in 1896 by the design of Nagaoka Yasuhei, a pioneer of modern park design.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】


◎Oga Navi

★Oga Peninsula คาบสมุทร

The Oga Peninsula is a double tied island formed by connecting volcanoes such as Mt. Kanpu and Motoyama to the mainland in two sandbars in the north and south. Large-scale sea cliffs, Marl terrain such as Toga Bay and Ichinomegata have developed in the west, and there are scenic spots such as Cape Nyudo at the northern end and Hachibodai with a panoramic view of Mar, and Oga Onsen. It is designated as Oga Quasi-National Park.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】



【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Appi Kogen Ski Resort อัปปิ โคเก็น สกีรีสอร์ท

★Appi Kogen Ski Resort

The Appi Kogen ski resort is one of the representative ski resorts in Tohoku along with the Yamagata Zao Onsen ski resort. In addition to his ski resort, Appi Kogen Golf Club and Appi Kogen Farm are also located in Appi Kogen, making it a stay-type all-season resort.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※株式会社岩手ホテルアンドリゾート ウェブサイト

Iwate Tourism Association สมาคมการท่องเที่ยวอิวาเตะ

★Chusonji temple วัด / Golden hall ห้องโถงสีทอง

Chusonji is a temple located in Hiraizumi-cho, Nishiiwai-gun, Iwate Prefecture. Many cultural assets are preserved, including the Golden Hall, which is a collection of the best of Heian period art, crafts, and architecture. In June 2011, it was registered as a World Heritage Site as one of its constituent assets.

★Jodogahama Island เกาะ

Jodogahama is a scenic spot in the Rikuchu Kaigan National Park at the eastern end of the Usuki Peninsula in Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture. A white strange rock made of quartz trachyte surrounds the cove. There are campsites, tourist hotels, and a platform for regular sightseeing boats. It is one of the famous tourist attractions on the Rikuchu coast.

★Genbikei canyon แคนยอน

Genbikei is a valley in the middle of the Iwai River in Genbi-cho, Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture. The dacite tuff deposited by the eruption of Mt. Kurikoma was eroded by the water flow of the Iwai River. The total length is about 2 kilometers. There are many strange rocks and strange rocks there. It was designated as a national scenic spot and a natural monument in 1927.

★Kamaishi big kannon ใหญ่

Kamaishi Daikannon is a 48.5m high chalk Kannon statue built on the Kamasaki Peninsula overlooking Kamaishi Port. The Holy Kannon and the Seven Lucky Gods are enshrined in the womb. The chest is an observatory, and you can overlook Kamaishi Port.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※公益財団法人 岩手県観光協会 ウェブサイト

※Foreign language pamphlet page


【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Obanazawa city เมืองโอซาริซาวะ

★Ginzan Onsen Hot Spring

Ginzan Onsen is a hot spring located in Obanazawa City, Yamagata Prefecture. In the early Edo period, Obanazawa City had the Nobesawa Silver Mine, which prospered as a large silver mine, and was discovered by a mine worker who worked at that silver mine. , Has a history of about 500 years. It is famous for its retro cityscape.

◎Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium พิพิธภัณฑ์สัตว์น้ำ Tsuruoka City Kamo

★Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium

Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium is located in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. There are more than 50 kinds of jellyfish on display, which is the largest in the world, and it is very fascinating to see various colorful jellyfish floating around. Nicknamed “Krage Dream Kan”.

Yamagata Prefecture Official Tourism Website เว็บไซต์การท่องเที่ยวอย่างเป็นทางการของจังหวัดยามากาตะ

★Uesugi Shrine

Uesugi Shrine enshrines Kenshin Uesugi, who was said to be the strongest military commander during the Warring States period in Japan. This shrine is a power spot that is said to have the benefits of academic achievement and business prosperity. Every year on the second Saturday of February and the day after, more than 300 snow lanterns and 1,000 snow caves are lit with candles, enveloping the fantastic beauty.

★Zaou Plateau ที่ราบสูง

Zao’s rime is made by sticking ice and snow to the coniferous “Abies mariesii”. Rime can only be produced under special weather and terrain conditions. Every year, rime begins to form in December, grows steadily as the cold gets colder, and reaches its maximum in February.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※公益社団法人山形県観光物産協会 山形県公式観光サイト「やまがたへの旅」

Yamagata Prefecture จังหวัดยามากาตะ

※Various sightseeing spots in Yamagata are also posted on this site. Please try to access it.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】



【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Miyagi Prefecture Tourism Federation 「All Miyagi * Exploration」 มิยางิทั้งหมด * การสำรวจ

★Okama ปล่องภูเขาไฟ

Zao’s Okama is made up of spring water, rain, and melted snow from the underground at the crater that was created by the eruption about 1,000 to 2,000 years ago. It is called “Goshikinuma” because the color of the lake changes depending on various conditions such as season, time, weather, and temperature.

★Akiu hot spring น้ำพุร้อน

Akium Onsen is located in Akium-cho, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Because it is close to the city center of Sendai, many people not only stay overnight but also take a day trip.

★Naruko hot sprin น้ำพุร้อน

Naruko Onsen is located in Naruko Onsen, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Together with Iizaka Onsen in Fukushima Prefecture and Akiho Onsen in Miyagi Prefecture, it is known as one of the three major hot springs in Oshu.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】


Sendai Tourism International Association สมาคมการท่องเที่ยวระหว่างประเทศ

★Matsushima เกาะ

Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture is one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, along with “Amanohashidate” in Kyoto Prefecture and “Itsukushima” in Hiroshima Prefecture. Matsushima is not a single island, but the 260 large and small islands in Matsushima Bay are collectively called Matsushima. It has a very scenic view and has long been known as a famous place for the moon.

★Sendai Uminomori Aquarium อแควเรียม

The Sendai Uminomori Aquarium exhibits 50,000 creatures of about 300 species. Sea creatures unique to Tohoku, such as sea squirts and chub mackerel, which are familiar in the sea of Miyagi, are exhibited. One of the highlights is the collaboration of dolphins, sea lions, and birds.

■Website เว็บไซต์


【Tourism Spot】

【Information Website】

Aizuwakamatsu Tourism Bureau สำนักงานการท่องเที่ยวไอสุวากามัตสึ

★Tsuruga Castle ปราสาท

Tsuruga Castle is a symbol of Aizuwakamatsu City. It was built in 1384 about 630 years ago. From the 5th floor, you can overlook the city of Aizu Wakamatsu, the Aizu Basin, and Mt. Bandai.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※会津若松観光ビューロー 「鶴ヶ城」 ウェブサイト

Fukushima City Tourism Convention Association สมาคมการท่องเที่ยวเมืองฟุกุชิมะ

★Takayu Hot Spring

Takayu Onsenkyo is a hot spring town located on the hillside of Mt. Azuma in the western suburbs of Fukushima City, and has a history of more than 400 years. It is a high-concentration sulfur spring and is famous for its high medicinal properties.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※一般社団法人福島市観光コンベンション協会 「福島市観光ノート」 ウェブサイト

Fukushima Prefecture Tourism and Product Exchange Association สมาคมการท่องเที่ยวและแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าจังหวัดฟุกุชิมะ

★Ouchi juku

Ouchi-juku is an inn located on the Aizu Nishi Kaido. Private houses with thatched roofs are lined up along the highway, making it a tourist attraction.

★Aquamarine Fukushima

“Aquamarine Fukushima” is an aquarium with the theme of “tides” in the Pacific Ocean, which is a major feature of the sea in Fukushima. The museum reproduces the nature of the Sea of Okhotsk, the headwaters of the Oyashio Current, and tropical Asia, the headwaters of the Kuroshio Current.

★Spa Resort Hawaiians

Spa Resort Hawaiians is Japan’s first hot spring theme park located in Iwaki City, the southeastern part of Fukushima Prefecture. Opened in 1966, it has a history of more than 50 years. There are various hot springs and activities in the vast site.

■Website เว็บไซต์

【Link ลิงค์】

※公益財団法人 福島県観光物産交流協会 「FUKUSHIMA TRAVEL」 ウェブサイト

All Area

Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization องค์การส่งเสริมการท่องเที่ยวโทโฮคุ

■Website เว็บไซต์